December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

We've had a wonderful Christmas so far. We traveled down to Cincinnati to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my side of the family. Pretty soon we'll be on our way to Kentucky to do it all over again with Brian's family. Here are some highlights so far... 

Finishing up Christmas shopping with my love and a peppermint mocha in hand

Pretty words in my mom's kitchen...the reason why we celebrate! 

With my sister after the candlelight service and dinner. Blouse: Old, Forever 21 (similar style)| Skirt: Old, Express (similar style

Christmas morning in our new pj's that we opened the night before...a favorite tradition! 

Christmas morning cranberry smoothie...not a tradition, but might have to make it one! 

Another tradition my family has is going to see a movie. This year we saw "Unbroken," which was beautiful. I wore this little number from LOFT with my black hunter boots

And the festivities have only just begun! Wishing you a Merry Merry Christmas! 


Stop over thinking ...

I am not one to over think things... I am normally a "go with the flow" type of lady. However, I've thought and thought and thought about starting a blog that reflects my personal style for FOR-EV-ER. For some reason this is one thing that I've wanted to proceed with using thought, strategy, and careful planning.

When I dream, I have high expectations. I told myself I couldn't start blogging unless I had x, y, and z. I needed to have all my i's dotted and my t's crossed. Well I've come to the end of myself and I think I just need to start something. I've missed writing, I've missed blogging (on my old one), and I adore fashion.

So here is my very unprofessional (for now), very unplanned (currently), and extremely amateur life/personal style blog. I don't have a real camera, nor do I have a clue what I'm doing. All I know is that I need to share. This is a process and I'm excited to see how it evolves.

With that I'll leave you with the wise words from my recent Chipotle bag...because it kind of fits ;)