April 22, 2017

Family Pictures + A Simple Update

Our friend Levi, who is talented at literally everything, took these photos for us. I love these pictures and will cherish them forever. 

Here's a simple little family update:

Jade is now almost 14 months old. She is teething like crazy (seriously, she didn't have any teeth for so long, then she only had two, and now they are popping out at rapid speed! Unfortunately, she's one of those kids who gets fevers and diaper rash flare ups when she's cutting teeth...not fun!) She has just started walking within the past month. She still crawls a lot, but is on her way to walking full time. 

I am always looking back at the pictures we've taken of Jade over the past 14 months. She has changed so much! When she was born her hair was really dark. Then it began to fade to light brown, to auburn, to strawberry blonde, and now to sandy blonde. 

We celebrated her first birthday pretty quietly. Brian and I took her to Chick-fil-a for her "birthday dinner" and then to Target (I am rolling my eyes at myself...I am fully aware of how #basic we are teaching her to be) and bought her this hilarious piano that resembles Gunther and actually meows when she presses the keys. She loves it and it's so funny that it's not completely obnoxious when she bangs on the it. ;) This girl loves music and I love watching her dance moves! My parents came up later in the week and we celebrated with cupcakes.  

I almost have a full school year of being a "teacher-mom" under my belt. Jade has a wonderful babysitter who loves her so well, which makes leaving her each morning much easier. She has just started to cry a little bit when I drop her off, which breaks my heart, but I know that I will get to be home with her for the summer soon enough. Brian and I are attending a youth ministry conference next week and that will be the first time I will be away from Jade for more than a work day. She is going to spend the week in Cincinnati with her Nonni and Pops and will certainly be getting lots of love. :) 

Stay tuned for more family pictures! 
